Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What are some ways to help me quit biting my nails?

I searched and found stuff but it never works for me. I've tried the nasty nail polish but I get used to it. I've tried Not biting one nail until all my nails grow but that didn't work. what are some ways to make my nails grow as well????What are some ways to help me quit biting my nails?
Perhaps you could keep your teeth busy with chewing gum.What are some ways to help me quit biting my nails?
first of all, u need to figure out what triggers u biting ur nails.

once u solve that problem, it'll be a breeze.

u could always find a new habit

like every time u want to bite ur nails, twist ur hair

XD it's all will power baby
you get used to it LOLOL
i us to bite mine to all the time so i just keep my hands busy try gum video games lol

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