Monday, May 10, 2010

Turning my nails back to their normal colour?

My green nail polish turned my nails a gross yellow colour, what can I use to turn them back to their original colour? Any of your input would be greatly appreciated. :)Turning my nails back to their normal colour?
You should use nail polish remover. To use: Get towel, Cotton balls, or a Cotton swab and dip in nail Polish remover and scrub your nails with it until it comes off. Ta Da!

~GinaTurning my nails back to their normal colour?
You can soak them in peroxide for ten minutes or you can buy a product called yellow out. It is a clear gloss that removes the yellow tint frrom nails. You can find it at sallys beauty supply or try any other beauty store you have near you.

Try the sallys web site as well.
Yeah don't freak some nail polishes are so strong that they stain the top of the nail yellow. But its just because of the polish, its not fungus or Just buy a nail buffer thats the best your nails get back to there original color and they even look better after.
I take a emery board ( like the ones you use to shorten your nails) and i just scrape the top of my nail so that the orange layer is gone, that usually gets rid of it
nail polish remover and then paint your nails a different color and then take it off with nail polish remover and it should be back to normal
I've heard you can use a toothbrush and baking soda but I usually just use a very fine buffer on the tops of my nails. It comes right off and makes your nails look smooth and shiny.
Well from now on use a good base coat before polish..this prevents staining. Sally Beauty Supply has nail products that color correct yellowness. Good luck!
Nail polish remover
nail polish remover
soak them in hydrogen peroxyde.
the brand jordana has a clear polish out thats called yellow out try that
soak them in lemon juice or rub a cut lemon on them. you may have to do this repeatedly but it should work.
Try nail polish remover. or see a doctor.

hope i helped

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